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Found: 20
Athena valve cover gasket - M752512100004


Lowest price from 30 days before discount:  €4.32

Athena valve cover gasket - M752512100004

Athena head gasket - S410210001292


Lowest price from 30 days before discount:  €15.43

Athena head gasket - S410210001292

Athena cylinder gasket - S410210006231


Lowest price from 30 days before discount:  €2.86

Athena cylinder gasket - S410210006231

Top-End Athena engine gasket set - P400485600006


Lowest price from 30 days before discount:  €7.50

Top-End Athena engine gasket set - P400485600006

stars    (1)
Athena head gasket - S410485001044


Lowest price from 30 days before discount:  €4.40

Athena head gasket - S410485001044

Athena cylinder gasket - S410485006093


Lowest price from 30 days before discount:  €2.69

Athena cylinder gasket - S410485006093

Products reviews

2024-10-16, 16:47



A Moretti henger tömítés a 2T-s, 50 cm³-es robogókhoz, megbízható választás lehet a motor hatékony tömítése érdekében. Jó minőségű anyagból készült, így biztosítja a megfelelő zárást, ami minimalizálja a szivárgást és növeli a motor élettartamát. Könnyen illeszkedik, és kompatibilis a legtöbb 2 ütemű 50 köbcentis Moretti robogóval. Hosszú távon ellenáll a hőnek és a nyomásnak, ami előnyös a teljesítmény megőrzésében.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-10-12, 19:47



Nu se potrivește pe kymco agilty 50. Are supapele mai lungi decât trebuie și coboară culbutori prea tare pe axul cu came blocând motorul. Am 2 scutere kymco, nu merge pe nici unul. Trebuie altfel de rampă cu tacheți pentru chiulasa asta și nu găsesc. Supapele sunt mai înalte cu aproape o jumătate de centimetru.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

2024-10-10, 04:37



Un sait foarte bun piesele sunt de foarte bună calitate .un sait excepțional și bun ca recomand gmoto cu mare încredere.

  • Esthetics: star star star star star
  • Material quality: star star star star star
  • Fitting: star star star star star

Reliable opinion

We have Motorcycle cylinders and cylinder heads to Jonway YY50QT-28D 50