Original Keyster kit. If you are looking for a kit for 1998 TDM850 with Y-2 marked nozzle tube and 5eI85 needle, this kit is not suitable. Rather, it is only for the TRX 850.
This kit comes with an M34B atomizer tube and a W365 needle.
Made in Japan and it shows. There is no point in buying Chinese kits because eventually you have to take this one anyway. I recommend it, everything fits.
Everything fits like the original, parts made of very good materials and with due precision. Such emulsion tubes that are included in the kit are hard to get. It costs its own compared to the competition, but it is worth buying once and having peace of mind. Suzuki Gsxr 750 91r GR7AB.
Beta Alp 200 2002r, Mikuni Bst31 carburetor.
The kit fits this motorcycle and carburetor perfectly, the difference is only in the atomizer(I left the old one), the rest is as in the Beta service manual.