It is not a perfect copy of the 3JD handle. The handle needs to be sanded, without it when you turn it presses the pump and the handle reaches the steering wheel and locks the brake.
After grinding it is ok.
The manufacturer regretted the material at the mounting screw where you can see the recess to cast the handle, a good chance that it is in this place(at the pump) that the handle will break off at the soil, where the originals often break off only at the very end and you can still use the brake for the rest of the ride. The original also has this indentation but it is much smaller.
All in all, the product is made on average, I rate it 5/10.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-10-22, 11:01
Este lat și se simte bine pe motocicletă.Se simte mai stabilă pe teren accidentat și pe urcări.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2023-06-26, 05:13
Product as described. They fit nicely on my KTM. It did not take a lot of tiring to put these grips on, they do not slip. They are not made of plastic like some on a bike. Good rubber, firm grip.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-12-18, 17:33
Jó minőség, jól illeszkedik, könnyen fúrható mégis erős anyag. Szép fényes, nincs kifakulva. Elégedett vagyok vele.