
Lowest price from 30 days before discount: €12.93
TRW Lucas MCB 694 EC brake pads (2 pieces).

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: €7.50
Top-End Athena engine gasket set - P400485600006

Lowest price from 30 days before discount: €2.55
Athena exhaust manifold gasket 25.4x33.5x4 - S410485012045
Products reviews
2024-10-16, 16:47
A Moretti henger tömítés a 2T-s, 50 cm³-es robogókhoz, megbízható választás lehet a motor hatékony tömítése érdekében. Jó minőségű anyagból készült, így biztosítja a megfelelő zárást, ami minimalizálja a szivárgást és növeli a motor élettartamát. Könnyen illeszkedik, és kompatibilis a legtöbb 2 ütemű 50 köbcentis Moretti robogóval. Hosszú távon ellenáll a hőnek és a nyomásnak, ami előnyös a teljesítmény megőrzésében.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-12-25, 00:18
The product met my expectations, the workmanship is very good with no imperfections. The price is adequate to the quality, it is better to buy one for 15 than 3 for 5 Chinese, which will fall apart after 150 km of driving. Water resistance is, proved it to me last weather when I drove into a decent puddle at 50 km/h Hurricane did not even hesitate. Assembly slightly falls out to warm up on a radiator, because such a cold rubber from the courier to fit is a nightmare.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2021-09-13, 22:50
For Romet Zetta 50 fits like a glove - it looks identical to the Chinese original. The rubber cover on the side of the high-voltage cable, admittedly, is hard to enter the cable, but this is an advantage in my opinion - it reduces the risk of moisture getting inside. After installation, the difference is unbelievable, the spark on the spark plug has improved, it is strong, and there is no phenomenon of "falling ignition". I recommend!
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2020-05-31, 09:42
A weboldal tökéletes, minden igényt kielégítő. A szállítás még így is, hogy nemzetközi (Lengyel - Magyar) gyorsabb volt, mint sokszor Magyarországon belüli szállítás. A kifizetett alkatrészekről, a csomagom állapotáról folyamatos jelzést kaptam. Az alkatrészekkel 100 %-ban elégedett vagyok :-) *****+*
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-11-04, 16:12
Eu comprei uma agulha A12 para o carburador dellorto e fiquei satisfeito porque é a agulha original e tem qualidade. Depois de procurar em algumas lojas aqui na minha cidade do Porto e ninguém tinha procurei na internet e só na gmoto arranjei.obrigado!
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2014-09-11, 21:30
I have been shopping with this seller for a long time and each time I am very satisfied with the quality, speed and contact with the seller. I have already recommended several offers to my friends, who are also very satisfied.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
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