Products reviews
2024-12-24, 23:40
Według mnie najlepsze świece jakie mogą być tylko te używam przez lata są bardzo dobrze zrobione i bardzo żadko się je wymienia serdecznie polecam (Jeżdżę na Keeway Matrix oraz Peugeot Speed Fight 2) Niestety zdjęć ani filmów nie wyśle bo mam nowy telefon i wszystkie zdjęcia zostały na starym
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2017-08-28, 08:07
The product as described. Fits my equipment (MZ 250 TS 1947, 6V installation). For the less experienced, it is worth remembering that on the tip there is a piece that must be unscrewed to make the plug fit the motorcycle pipe.
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
2024-02-12, 00:45
Candle of good quality and very durable, It has been working without problems for a year now. It is enough to clean sometimes and you can continue to drive. The thread fits perfectly to the head without any reservations. When mine stops working I will buy it again
Material quality:
Reliable opinion
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